We’re proud to announce that the Educational Opportunity Center Charter High School has earned accreditation from @CogniaOrg! We’ve been recognized for our steadfast commitment to providing a high-quality education for every one of our students and our promise to continue improving for them.
At EOC Charter High School we welcome students to a safe, caring and supportive environment; we provide a relevant, high-quality education and prepare our diverse at-risk student body for future endeavors.
Teachers will use effective instructional formats and be evaluated continuously throughout the teaching experience. Teachers will develop strong relationships with students by providing a high support environment.
The high school primarily serves Yuma County students that are between the ages of 16 and 21 seeking to recuperate high school credit at a quicker pace.
On October 9, 2024, students of school successfully lobbied the school board to change our mascot from the Hornet to the Honey Bee. As a symbol of community and hard work, along with the Honey Bee's benefit to humanity, makes the Honey Bee a better macot for our school mission and vision.
Three Year Plan and Comprehensive Needs Assessment.
During the 2020 Arizona Legislative Session, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 1061 which went into effect on August 25, 2020. The new statute requires the Arizona Department of Education to establish and post a statutory handbook of parental rights.
Additionally, per statute, each school district and charter school is required to post a link to this parental rights handbook on its website.
You can find the 2023 Parental Rights Handbook by visiting the link below.
Going Camping? Out in the Wild. Dairy Ups the Ante
For Student Records, Public Records and Information
If you desire records or information, please contact:
Amber Cygan
Assistant to the Administrator
Educational Opportunity Center
Charter High School
3010 W 16th Street
Yuma, AZ 85364
Phone: 928-329-0990 x 4001
Email: chspublicrecords@ypic.com